The types of social security disability benefits

Benefits of Social Security disability

It can be difficult and daunting to complete the process of Social Security Disability benefits. If you suffer from a serious physical or mental condition and can not work, it will be worth the effort. Not only will you receive monthly payments for Social Security disability, but you will also be eligible to receive medical benefits. If you qualify for SSDI, you will receive medical benefits after 24 months. Most recipients of SSI will receive medical benefits immediately (only in certain states). You will also have protected retirement benefits and Social Security Disability benefits for your dependent children and widower (if you die). You will also have the option to return to work if your condition improves.

Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI)

Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) was an expansion of the Federal Retirement Fund of 1935 created by the Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA). Social Security disability benefits were added in 1956 to provide disability insurance for workers who were injured or disabled by a physical or mental impairment and who were no longer able to work. To qualify for Social Security Disability Insurance, you must expect your condition to last at least 12 continuous months, you must have paid enough taxes to accumulate "tax credits" and you must be determined to be "disabled" and unable to work for the Administration of Social Security. . The SSA considers that "work" is the ability to earn more than $ 980 per month for workers who are not blind and $ 1,640 per month for people who have a disability from Social Security blindness.

Widows, dependent children and widowers may be eligible to receive Social Security Disability Insurance. Children over the age of 18 may also be eligible for SSDI if they were disabled before age 22.

Supplemental security income (SSI)

The second social security program for work disability benefits established by the federal government is the additional security income or SSI. Supplemental Security Income is an income replacement benefit plan for employees age 65 or older, people with disabilities or who are blinded by social benefits. To qualify for SSI, you must have limited resources of $ 2,000 or less per person or $ 3,000 or less per couple. In many countries, you will also receive Medicaid if you receive SSI benefits.

In some cases, you lose your SSI benefit or you are disqualified from receiving social benefits. The following people are not eligible for SSI benefits:

  • Fugitive offenders
  • prisoners
  • Non-US citizens
  • People leaving the United States for a longer period of time
  • People who deliberately reduce their income to be eligible for benefits